Fulton County Hosts Empowering Entreprepreneurs

FULTON COUNTY HOSTS 2nd 2021 EMPOWERING ENTREPRENURS WEBINAR SERIES: Access to Capital Recognizing the importance of small business and entrepreneurship, Fulton County, in partnership with its economic development initiative, Select Fulton, is hosting the second 2021 Fulton County Empowering Entrepreneurs Webinar Series on Wednesday, June 30th, 2021 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM via Zoom. To further support small business and entrepreneurs, the webinar series will feature regional thought leaders and subject matter experts who will discuss opportunities and resources available to help leaders grow their business in Fulton County.
“As a Fulton County Executive Sponsor of Economic Development, I know it is critical that we support our young entrepreneurs and small businesses” said District 1 Commissioner Liz Hausmann. “Having access to capital means you are able to grow your business into the next phase, which is what we want for all of our Fulton County small businesses.”
This second webinar will focus on small business access to capital and funding. Learn from the experts at Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs (ACE) how to prepare your business to secure new capital, coaching tips, and connections to help borrowers create and grow sustainable businesses.ACE is an Atlanta based 501(c)(3) nonprofit and community development financial institution (CDFI) that has provided $97 million in loans and business advisory services to support 1,400+ small business owners and helped create or save 12,000+ jobs for Georgians.
Future events will focus on small business needs such as tax planning, marketing, social media promotion and more. Representative organizations include the Georgia Department of Economic Development, the U.S. Small Business Administration, the Small Business Development Center and SCORE Atlanta.“More than 92 percent of all business in Fulton County having four or less employees,” Select Fulton Deputy Director Samir Abdullahi said. “It is critical we continue to support and foster an environment that enables these important investors in our community to succeed.
To register for this free webinar, visit our website at: https://selectfultoncounty.com/entrepreneurs
Select Fulton is Fulton County’s Economic Development initiative, launched in 2016, bringing together the expertise of the Development Authority of Fulton County, a professional Economic Development team, and WorkSource Fulton. Learn more at www.selectfultoncounty.com.
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